Tools I Use

Inspired by Wes bos


  • My editor of choice is Visual Studio Code with a giant pile of extensions. Feel free to checkout my favourite VSCode Extensions.
  • I am currently using Monokai Pro as my theme.
  • Monaco font is my font of choice mainly because of the cursiveness.


  • Homebrew just like any package manager homebrew serves for installation of node packages and files with just a simple command.
  • iTerm2 and oh-my-zsh is my favourite for terminal productivity, customization and flexibility.
  • All terminals use Cascadia Code as fonts because cursiveness all the way.


  • Chrome is my main browser for both browsing and development.
  • Postman for API development and testing.
  • Figma mainly for inspecting designs.
  • Slack and Discord for messaging or calls.
  • Linear for issue tracking and project management.
  • Spotify for music.

Desk Setup

I'm making a list of setup I use and gadgets I plan to purchase.

Feeling generous? You can buy me a coffee to support my work.

  • My Setup plan
Desk Setup